Copley Primary School

FOCSA (Friends of Copley School Association / School PTFA)



Helping the school at every step


FOCSA takes the place of a traditional Parent Teacher & Friends Association (PTFA) at Copley Primary school. We are a registered charity with committee members and are designed to help the school and children raise funds to enhance the experience our children have whilst in school.


In the past PTFA's have been there to add the “decorations” to the cake. However as school budgets are squeezed, in the future FOCSA may have to assist with things most of us take for granted such as new books, playground equipment and certain areas of school maintenance.

What we have done​

During 2019/20, with the generous support of Copley school families and friends, we have raised enough to help pay for a school trip for all the children, to  provide book bags for all new reception children and books for the children leaving to go to High school.  Wow!


The PTFA do this by giving time via regular meetings of both a formal and informal nature. We are conscious that time is precious and FOCSA may be perceived as needing all your spare time! That is not the case. If you have an hour to spare to assist at an event then it will be gratefully appreciated, even one hour a year will be well used and make a massive difference to our efforts this year. We have parents who give their time by designing fliers, helping on stalls at our events, shopping before events, decorating for events, and of course baking!!


FOCSA is also a great way to get to know some of the other parents from school and we are a friendly bunch, all driven to help raise money to make school a better place for our youngsters.


We have 2 notice boards in the school grounds and a facebook page that let everyone know when the next meeting is and what events we are running next. In 2015, there have been a variety of events including a quiz and curry night, three roller discos, a fashion show,  an Easter egg raffle, the School Summer Fair, Second hand book sales, Card sales, a Summer & Halloween Discos'  mother's and father's day secret shopper events and a Christmas Hamper raffle. The raffles are supported by families with donations sent in to school on Non-uniform day. We also took part in the Bolton Brow Burner raising over £700 for our school.


As a registered charity we are able to accept donations via This often attracts match funding which means a £10 donation can become £22 (incl gift aid). 


If you are interested in finding out more about what we do, and how you could help us, please contact our Chair Liz Kenny via the school office or email Or go to our facebook page 

FOCSA Step Into Spring Challenge 2021

Are you up for a family challenge? Something which is healthy and helps your wellbeing?  Step up to the FOCSA Spring Challenge. Read more about it in the documents below.

How do I become a member?


If you have a child at school, you are in effect a member already so are more than welcome to come to any meetings and hear about what’s going on. We are also a “Friends of…” organisation which means that Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and even members of the local community can come and get involved. 


Thank you on behalf of everyone at school and the committee, to you as parents, who attend and support all the events.