Copley Primary School


A note for parents:


Homework is due on a Monday and is given out the same day for the following week. They should have spellings and talk homework. 

Year 3 and 4 are working really hard on their times tables this year and children can earn House Points or Dojos if they complete any extra homework on times tables such as TT Rockstars! All children will have a login for this. Children can earn 5x House Points for completing any extra homework, including Times Tables!


PE is now on a Wednesday and a Thursday - Please ensure children bring the correct kit: shorts and their Copley PE t-shirt for indoor, and joggers/leggings and the Copley hoodie for outdoor PE. 


Miss Naz


Name: Miss Naz

Likes: Reading, Art

Dislikes: Wasps

Favourite film: The Witches 

Favourite book:  Matilda

Favourite food: Pizza and chips

Favourite subject: Literacy

If you weren’t a teacher what would you be and why? I would be a fashion designer because I love art and creativity.

Who is your hero/heroin: My mum and dad


Mrs Miller

Please see SeeSaw for all our up to date pictures and videos of what is happening in class! We love to share a glimpse into our world at school.

Please see SeeSaw for all our up to date pictures and videos of what is happening in class! We love to share a glimpse into our world at school.


Today was World Book Day and our focus was a 'Vocabulary Parade'. The children all dressed up as a different word and we have a wonderful morning completing activities that focused on words and vocabulary. In Maths, we created a poster all about our topic 'Measurement' and for Literacy, we went on a Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt around school and wrote stories including the word we had come dressed as! 


Today we turned into mathematicians and used our measuring skills and teamwork to measure the length and width of our school hall. We have been looking at measuring in metres and centimetres. 

Today we had so much fun raising money for Ash Green Primary School in our Federation danceathon! We were all very sore and tired by the end of the day - Akroydon class sure can move!


As part of our Design Technology this half term, we have been designing and creating pizzas to appeal to children aged 4-10! We talked about how to make it look nice but also be balanced with a range of ingredients on! The children had lots of fun designing and working together to make their own pizzas. I hope they taste delicious! 


 This week in literacy, we wrote our own poems linked to our book - Escape from Pompeii. We tried to include alliteration, powerful adjectives and rhyming words. We all worked extremely hard and were so proud of our poems - we even performed them to the class. Maizie and Alfie bravely volunteered to share their poems with us.