Design and Technology
Design and Technology is an engaging, creative and practical subject. Our curriculum offers pupils a way to build and apply their imagination and technical knowledge by designing and making products within a variety of contexts. It draws on a broad range knowledge from across the subjects and has opportunities to apply other disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art in a meaningful way.
The content of each unit is categorised into 4 areas at KS1 and 6 areas at KS2
Structures, Mechanisms, Textiles, Food and Nutrition
Digital world and Electrical Systems (This is taught only in KS2)
These core categories are taught discreetly and are revisited and built on overtime as children progress towards the end of Key Stage 2. We have DT days when we can block teach our units.
The units are centred on the ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ cycle:
Design: Children explore, develop and share their ideas. Discuss and break down a design criteria or design brief and think about what they want to achieve and create. Plan and design based on testing, prototypes and applying their developing technical knowledge.
Make: Children build their design by making choices linked to materials, product function and final outcomes. Children revisit and refine their skills; measure, cut, join & assemble.
Evaluate: Children critically evaluate their product by questioning and testing. What makes their product successful and how could it be improved? This is an important step, children reflect and learn from the process.